A blessed Holy Week to us all.
I want to share with you a very personal and intimate experience I had when I joined a quiet retreat for the Holy Week.
At the retreat, we observed silence and respect the solemnity and sacredness of the Holy Week. We were encouraged to nurture our bodies with rest and meditation.
In silence, only then can we listen to our hearts. And through our hearts, He speaks to us. He spoke to me.
Let me humbly share with you what I have written in those Holy Days, and the photographs I took to somehow capture the beauty and wonder He showers and blesses us with. Everyday is a miracle, no matter what. Be grateful always.
Oh, how I miss you Lord!
How I miss you my Lord.
I miss talking to you.
I miss being with you..

It has always been You, Oh Lord that gives me happiness and completeness..
Why am I seeking other things?
It was You who held my hands in times of grief..
It was You who embraced me when there was so much pain in my heart.
It was You who has always been there for me..
I come to You a sinner, with all the pain in my heart. I come to You now hurting and weak..
I don't know what it is that I want from you. All I need is to be with you and remain with you..
Isaiah 55
An invitation to Grace
Why spend your money for what is not bread; your wages for what fails to satisfy?
Oh! how I miss you Lord!
Lord please grant me the grace to empty myself before you..
to bare my very soul..
Grant me the grace of humility that I may kneel before you..
like a child to her Father..
wanting and needing..
Nothing is more wonderful to wake up each day feeling rested, happy and at peace..
..with just the birds, the trees, the cold breeze, the blue sky and You.
God wants me to know that He loves me so much with no bounds and no limits..
That whenever I'm in pain, He is in more pain than I could ever imagine..
That when I am crying, He is right there holding my hands with tears in His eyes..
That when I am happy, He is most delighted!
That when I am sad and sulking, He is right there sitting with me in the corner, in closed doors sadder than I could ever be..
He wants me to know that He sings for me every night when I sleep..
.. that He is the one watching over me every time I cross the street..
That He watches over my family, friends and loved ones because He does not want me worrying about them.
He wants me to know that it is Him who greets me every morning with a warm smile and a cheerful 'good morning!'.
That He is that one who compliments my hair or my dress and lifted my spirit on a rainy day..
He wants me to know that when I am dreading for something, He is that voice in my heart pushing me to go on..
..and whispering in my ear that I could do it, without a doubt! encouraging always..
He wants me to know that He cares for me so much..
.. and that I am so special in His eyes and in His heart..
And now, I wanted Him to know..
He is that peace I am longing for..
He is that companion..
..I would be spending with the rest of my life..
That He is the One..
..the Only one..
.. the Love I have been chasing since forever..
.. He completes me..
..I would be forever grateful, and thankful..
''All you who are thirsty. come to the water.."
"You who have no money, come receive grain and eat.."
"Come without paying and without cost."
"Drink wine and milk!"
"Heed me, and you shall eat well.."
"You shall delight in rich fare"
"Come to me heedfully. Listen, that you may have life."
"Seek the Lord while He may be found."
"Call Him while He is near."
"The Lord is my light and my salvation."
"Whom do I fear?"
"The Lord is my life's refuge."
"Of whom am I afraid?"